Set 4

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Larry, xx, xx
#1  Larry, xx, xx




Evelyn Roberts?, xx, Jean
#6  Evelyn Roberts?, xx, Jean


Jean, Little House on the Prairie, Laura Ingells Wilder
#9  Jean, Little House on the Prairie, Laura Ingells Wilder

June Thorson, Receptionist, Church Educational System
#11  June Thorson, Receptionist, Church Educational System

Little House on the Prairie, Jean
#13  Little House on the Prairie, Jean
Dalton Museum, Larry
#14  Dalton Museum, Larry
Jean, C. M. Condon Bank
#15  Jean, C. M. Condon Bank
Larry, City Jail
#16  Larry, City Jail
City Jail
#17  City Jail
Larry, Memorial for George Cobine, Charles Connelly, Charles Brown, Lucius Baldwin.
#18  Larry, Memorial for George Cobine, Charles Connelly, Charles Brown, Lucius Baldwin.
Jean at gravestone: Bob Dalton, Grat Dalton, Bill Power, Oct 5, 1892
#19  Jean at gravestone: Bob Dalton, Grat Dalton, Bill Power, Oct 5, 1892
gravestone: Franklin Dalton, Killed near Ft Smith, Ark, Nov 27, 1888, Aged 28 yrs 5 Mo 19 D.
#20  gravestone: Franklin Dalton, Killed near Ft Smith, Ark, Nov 27, 1888, Aged 28 yrs 5 Mo 19 D.
xx, Jean, on stage
#21  xx, Jean, on stage

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