Clubhouse: Colton's Little Utility Building, Construction

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Clubhouse: Roughing in the Bathroom.
#1  Clubhouse: Roughing in the Bathroom.
#2  Clubhouse
Clubhouse: Front
#3  Clubhouse: Front
Friends of Cynthia
#4  Friends of Cynthia


Larry with the Jacuzzi
#7  Larry with the Jacuzzi

Larry on the Throne
#9  Larry on the Throne
Clubhouse: Colton's Little Utility Building
#10  Clubhouse: Colton's Little Utility Building
#11  Clubhouse
Clubhouse: Interior
#12  Clubhouse: Interior
Hot Tub, Bob Ferger
#13  Hot Tub, Bob Ferger
Bob Ferger
#14  Bob Ferger
Clubhouse: tiling the bathroom
#15  Clubhouse: tiling the bathroom
Clubhouse: Jacuzzi, Larry
#16  Clubhouse: Jacuzzi, Larry
Bob Ferger, Larry Colton
#17  Bob Ferger, Larry Colton

Larry Colton
#19  Larry Colton
Larry Colton, Gorilla racks, CLUB house walk-in closet
#20  Larry Colton, Gorilla racks, CLUB house walk-in closet
Clubhouse: Roofing
#21  Clubhouse: Roofing

Clubhouse: Roofing
#23  Clubhouse: Roofing
#24  Clubhouse
Clubhouse: Roofing
#25  Clubhouse: Roofing

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