Bob and Larry Trip, 1997

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Vernal Temple?
#1  Vernal Temple?


Bob Colton, drinking water
#4  Bob Colton, drinking water


Vernal Temple?
#7  Vernal Temple?
Vernal Temple?
#8  Vernal Temple?




James Larson's house?
#13  James Larson's house?
James Larson's house?
#14  James Larson's house?
Granery at the Frog Pond, Larry lived there after Caldwell while they built the house on Bannock St.
#15  Granery at the Frog Pond, Larry lived there after Caldwell while they built the house on Bannock St.
Crowthers' Mill, Mill-Stream Grocery, Malad ID
#16  Crowthers' Mill, Mill-Stream Grocery, Malad ID
"Blue Rock" east of Malad
#17  "Blue Rock" east of Malad
At Malad Airport looking back towards Two-Mile Canyon
#18  At Malad Airport looking back towards Two-Mile Canyon
Malad Airport
#19  Malad Airport

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