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(Not sure what this has to do with Don and Graduation.) Enjoy!

Roberts Family?
#1  Roberts Family?
Roberts Family?
#2  Roberts Family?
Back of 1107 Thayer, Larry burning out a sycamore stump
#3  Back of 1107 Thayer, Larry burning out a sycamore stump
Roberts Family?
#4  Roberts Family?
Roberts Family?
#5  Roberts Family?
Roberts Family?
#6  Roberts Family?
Roberts Family?
#7  Roberts Family?
Jean Colton
#8  Jean Colton
Leonard and Velma Roberts
#9  Leonard and Velma Roberts
Roberts Family photos
#10  Roberts Family photos
Roberts Family?
#11  Roberts Family?
Jean Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
#12  Jean Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
Roberts Family?
#13  Roberts Family?
Roberts Family?
#14  Roberts Family?
Roberts Family?
#15  Roberts Family?
Jean Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
#16  Jean Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
Larry Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
#17  Larry Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
Larry Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
#18  Larry Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
Jean Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
#19  Jean Colton's Little Utility Building, "C.L.U.B." House
Picnic at Howard Amon park
#20  Picnic at Howard Amon park
High water on the Columbia River
#21  High water on the Columbia River
Picnic at Howard Amon park
#22  Picnic at Howard Amon park
Picnic at Howard Amon park
#23  Picnic at Howard Amon park
Picnic at Howard Amon park, evidence of recent high water on the Columbia
#24  Picnic at Howard Amon park, evidence of recent high water on the Columbia
Picnic at Howard Amon park, evidence of recent high water on the Columbia
#25  Picnic at Howard Amon park, evidence of recent high water on the Columbia

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25 items. This page was last updated 2014-05-25 10:52:57 MDT.