Set 27

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Larry Colton
#1  Larry Colton
Gordon Talbot ? cousin and SA Amateur Tennis Champion, with Wife Veronica, Daughter (manager at Absa Bank), and grandchildren, and Larry Colton
#2  Gordon Talbot ? cousin and SA Amateur Tennis Champion, with Wife Veronica, Daughter (manager at Absa Bank), and grandchildren, and Larry Colton
Jean, Altadonna, xx, Wright
#3  Jean, Altadonna, xx, Wright
Baptism group
#4  Baptism group
Mission President Norm Bangerter, former Governor of Utah
#5  Mission President Norm Bangerter, former Governor of Utah
Senior Missionaries, including Jean Colton, the Dixons, and Elder Wright.
#6  Senior Missionaries, including Jean Colton, the Dixons, and Elder Wright.
Frank and Nancy Dixon, and Jean Colton
#7  Frank and Nancy Dixon, and Jean Colton
Temple spires, Johannesburg SA
#8  Temple spires, Johannesburg SA
Gordon Talbot ? cousin and SA Amateur Tennis Champion
#9  Gordon Talbot ? cousin and SA Amateur Tennis Champion
#10  Ibex
Frank and Nancy Dixon
#11  Frank and Nancy Dixon
Colton's apartment, computer for genealogy
#12  Colton's apartment, computer for genealogy
Senior Missionaries, including Jean Colton, the Dixons, and Elder Wright.
#13  Senior Missionaries, including Jean Colton, the Dixons, and Elder Wright.
#14  Ox
#15  Zebra





Lion cub
#21  Lion cub

#23  Giraffe
#24  Giraffe
#25  Camel

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25 items. This page was last updated 2014-05-25 10:51:56 MDT.