Set 29

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Jean Colton
#1  Jean Colton
Baptism service
#2  Baptism service
Elder Kozwa and baptismal candidate
#3  Elder Kozwa and baptismal candidate
Elders Welling and Kozwa and baptismal candidate
#4  Elders Welling and Kozwa and baptismal candidate
Larry Colton
#5  Larry Colton
Cousin Kozwa (left, same tribe as Gobo Fango) missionary, members of Soweto ward, Elder Welling
#6  Cousin Kozwa (left, same tribe as Gobo Fango) missionary, members of Soweto ward, Elder Welling
Larry Colton, Jean Colton, Soweto Ward members
#7  Larry Colton, Jean Colton, Soweto Ward members
Members of Soweto Ward
#8  Members of Soweto Ward
Member of Soweto Ward
#9  Member of Soweto Ward
Street Market
#10  Street Market
Office Building about 1/2 mile from the mission office
#11  Office Building about 1/2 mile from the mission office
#12  Mosque
Mission Home in Roodeport SA
#13  Mission Home in Roodeport SA
Frank Dixon, roadblock checkpoint for illegal game
#14  Frank Dixon, roadblock checkpoint for illegal game
Nuclear Power station
#15  Nuclear Power station
Reservoir behind Heartbeats Dam
#16  Reservoir behind Heartbeats Dam
Heartbeats Dam
#17  Heartbeats Dam
#18  Zebra




#23  Ibex
#24  Ibex
Frank and Nancy Dixon, Jean Colton at Swaziland Resort
#25  Frank and Nancy Dixon, Jean Colton at Swaziland Resort
Nancy Dixon, Jean Colton at Swaziland Resort
#26  Nancy Dixon, Jean Colton at Swaziland Resort

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26 items. This page was last updated 2014-05-25 10:51:44 MDT.