Set 31

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#1  Missionary
Joggi the panel beater, baptized by Larry Colton
#2  Joggi the panel beater, baptized by Larry Colton
Caldwells, Jean Colton, and Costes Avernides
#3  Caldwells, Jean Colton, and Costes Avernides
Caldwells, Jean Colton, and Costes Avernides
#4  Caldwells, Jean Colton, and Costes Avernides
Root beer rocket results?
#5  Root beer rocket results?
Senior Missionary social
#6  Senior Missionary social
Senior Missionary social
#7  Senior Missionary social
Senior Missionary social
#8  Senior Missionary social
View of the countryside
#9  View of the countryside
On the road to Tzineen
#10  On the road to Tzineen
#11  Missionaries
Missionaries, Jean Colton
#12  Missionaries, Jean Colton
#13  Missionaries
Missionaries, on the road to Tzineen.
#14  Missionaries, on the road to Tzineen.
On the road to Tzineen
#15  On the road to Tzineen
On the road to Tzineen
#16  On the road to Tzineen
Gazebo at Gold Reef Mine Amusement Park
#17  Gazebo at Gold Reef Mine Amusement Park
Elevator down into the mine. Senior Missionary excursion.
#18  Elevator down into the mine. Senior Missionary excursion.
Gold Reef Mine
#19  Gold Reef Mine
Banana plantation on the road to Tzineen
#20  Banana plantation on the road to Tzineen
Pouring a Gold Ingot. It's free if you can lift it with one hand. :-)
#21  Pouring a Gold Ingot. It's free if you can lift it with one hand. :-)
Gazebo at Gold Reef Mine Amusement Park
#22  Gazebo at Gold Reef Mine Amusement Park
Gazebo at Gold Reef Mine Amusement Park
#23  Gazebo at Gold Reef Mine Amusement Park
Larry Colton tries to pick up the ingot.
#24  Larry Colton tries to pick up the ingot.
Gold Ingot
#25  Gold Ingot

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25 items. This page was last updated 2014-05-25 10:51:32 MDT.