Champaign, Illinois

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Larry, Don, living at Staski Apt, 1015 West Harvard St, Champaign, IL
#1  Larry, Don, living at Staski Apt, 1015 West Harvard St, Champaign, IL
Champaign Ward members
#2  Champaign Ward members
Champaign Ward members
#3  Champaign Ward members
xx, xx, xx, Jean, Don, picnic
#4  xx, xx, xx, Jean, Don, picnic
Doug Reed, Tom Hoffling, Joyce Hoffling, Jean Reed, Jean Colton, at Dixon Mounds
#5  Doug Reed, Tom Hoffling, Joyce Hoffling, Jean Reed, Jean Colton, at Dixon Mounds
Tom, Joyce, Jean Reed, Jean Colton
#6  Tom, Joyce, Jean Reed, Jean Colton
Tom Hoffling
#7  Tom Hoffling
Jean Colton
#8  Jean Colton
Jean Colton
#9  Jean Colton
Champaign chapel, groundbreaking
#10  Champaign chapel, groundbreaking
Champaign chapel, groundbreaking
#11  Champaign chapel, groundbreaking
Champaign chapel, under construction
#12  Champaign chapel, under construction
Champaign chapel, under construction
#13  Champaign chapel, under construction
Champaign chapel, almost completed. President Smoot.
#14  Champaign chapel, almost completed. President Smoot.
Cornerstones using stone from original Nauvoo temple
#15  Cornerstones using stone from original Nauvoo temple
Placing the cornerstone; Robert K Mautz,
#16  Placing the cornerstone; Robert K Mautz,
Captain Harker, xx, Robert Mautz, Mission President Smoot, Branch President Henderson and wife
#17  Captain Harker, xx, Robert Mautz, Mission President Smoot, Branch President Henderson and wife
Champaign Chapel: Don, Jean
#18  Champaign Chapel: Don, Jean
Lael Woodbury, Jean Colton, Champaign chapel
#19  Lael Woodbury, Jean Colton, Champaign chapel
xx, Jean, Don Jensen
#20  xx, Jean, Don Jensen
Don, Jean
#21  Don, Jean

Don and Jean at Champaign chapel
#23  Don and Jean at Champaign chapel
#24  Helicopter
Japan: Hildebrants, Bickmore, Anderson
#25  Japan: Hildebrants, Bickmore, Anderson
2Lt McIlroy
#26  2Lt McIlroy
Evan Hale, Japan
#27  Evan Hale, Japan
#28  Japan
Larry Colton, Bickmore, Hildebrandt
#29  Larry Colton, Bickmore, Hildebrandt
Bickmore and Anderson, out by the rice fields
#30  Bickmore and Anderson, out by the rice fields
LDS Beach Party at Brady AFB Japan.
#31  LDS Beach Party at Brady AFB Japan.
LDS Beach Party at Brady AFB Japan.
#32  LDS Beach Party at Brady AFB Japan.
Kathy Hildebrandt
#33  Kathy Hildebrandt
LDS group at Camp Hakata
#34  LDS group at Camp Hakata
Torii Gate, xx, 1Lt Anderson
#35  Torii Gate, xx, 1Lt Anderson
Dining Out; Larry Colton, Bickmore, Clark?
#36  Dining Out; Larry Colton, Bickmore, Clark?
Maintenance School at Chanute
#37  Maintenance School at Chanute
Larry Colton, pinky orange suit tailor made in Hong Kong
#38  Larry Colton, pinky orange suit tailor made in Hong Kong
Larry Colton, painting of Jean Colton, painting of Josie and Leff Larson, at Brady BOQ
#39  Larry Colton, painting of Jean Colton, painting of Josie and Leff Larson, at Brady BOQ
Larry Colton, Officers' Club at Brady AFB
#40  Larry Colton, Officers' Club at Brady AFB
Larry Colton, beach near Brady AFB
#41  Larry Colton, beach near Brady AFB
Larry Colton, sailing near Brady
#42  Larry Colton, sailing near Brady
Larry Colton, sailing Wednesday afternoons
#43  Larry Colton, sailing Wednesday afternoons
Evan Hale, Larry Colton, Buddha at Beppu
#44  Evan Hale, Larry Colton, Buddha at Beppu
Pontiac from Detroit, Jean Colton, Don Colton, Evan Hale's wife
#45  Pontiac from Detroit, Jean Colton, Don Colton, Evan Hale's wife
#46  Santa
Roxie Hansey
#47  Roxie Hansey
Seward Point?, Mercer Island, Lake Washington, ward picnic
#48  Seward Point?, Mercer Island, Lake Washington, ward picnic
Don receiving bottle, Seward Point?, Mercer Island, Lake Washington, ward picnic
#49  Don receiving bottle, Seward Point?, Mercer Island, Lake Washington, ward picnic
Don with bottle, Seward Point?, Mercer Island, Lake Washington, ward picnic
#50  Don with bottle, Seward Point?, Mercer Island, Lake Washington, ward picnic
Quintin Snow
#51  Quintin Snow
Andrea Pedersen at Goethals house
#52  Andrea Pedersen at Goethals house
Brent Colton, Deaky Moore, Perry Colton
#53  Brent Colton, Deaky Moore, Perry Colton
Maryjo Colton in a Kayak
#54  Maryjo Colton in a Kayak
Picnic at? Howard Amon Park, Don, Lois Clayton, Andrea Pedersen, Kathleen, Steve, Maryjo, Jean
#55  Picnic at? Howard Amon Park, Don, Lois Clayton, Andrea Pedersen, Kathleen, Steve, Maryjo, Jean



John Bates
#59  John Bates
Elder P Bartlett, Arizona
#60  Elder P Bartlett, Arizona
#61  Missionary
#62  Missionaries
#63  Missionaries
Float plane, carnival
#64  Float plane, carnival
Sage brush
#65  Sage brush

Horn Rapids dam, Indian fishing wiers
#67  Horn Rapids dam, Indian fishing wiers

Brent fantasizing about driving the Datsun
#69  Brent fantasizing about driving the Datsun

Jean Colton in striped faux fur coat
#71  Jean Colton in striped faux fur coat
Maryjo in the snow
#72  Maryjo in the snow
Snowy blue spruce in front yard of Goethals house, from Rosco Colton
#73  Snowy blue spruce in front yard of Goethals house, from Rosco Colton
White Sox baseball game, Chanute AFB activity
#74  White Sox baseball game, Chanute AFB activity
White Sox baseball game, Chanute AFB activity
#75  White Sox baseball game, Chanute AFB activity
Larry Colton, 1015 West Harvard St, Champaign, IL
#76  Larry Colton, 1015 West Harvard St, Champaign, IL
Larry Colton, 1015 West Harvard St, Champaign, IL
#77  Larry Colton, 1015 West Harvard St, Champaign, IL

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77 items. This page was last updated 2014-05-25 10:49:03 MDT.