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Jean Colton
#3  Jean Colton
Roseann and goats
#4  Roseann and goats
Roseann and goats
#5  Roseann and goats

Sandra and Mark
#7  Sandra and Mark
Leff, Jean
#8  Leff, Jean
Leff, Jean
#9  Leff, Jean
Leff Larson
#10  Leff Larson
Leff Larson
#11  Leff Larson


Gene and Rosalie
#14  Gene and Rosalie
Gene and Rosalie
#15  Gene and Rosalie
Leff Larson
#16  Leff Larson



Jean looking across Wheelon valley towards Cutler Dam
#20  Jean looking across Wheelon valley towards Cutler Dam

SUP, Hampton's Bear River Crossing
Sons of Utah Pioneers
#22  SUP, Hampton's Bear River Crossing Sons of Utah Pioneers
gravestone: Father, F. J. (Frederick James) Graham, (born) Jan 15, 1827, (died) June 22, 1911. At Rest
#23  gravestone: Father, F. J. (Frederick James) Graham, (born) Jan 15, 1827, (died) June 22, 1911. At Rest
gravestone: Mary Ann Graham, Born Mar 2x, 1825, Died Jan 26 1901
#24  gravestone: Mary Ann Graham, Born Mar 2x, 1825, Died Jan 26 1901
gravestone: Mother, Susannah Hunsaker Graham, Feb 25, 2867 - Apr 9, 1929
#25  gravestone: Mother, Susannah Hunsaker Graham, Feb 25, 2867 - Apr 9, 1929
Bau Tang and Lom Tang, Vietnamese boat people that lived with Larry and Jean
#26  Bau Tang and Lom Tang, Vietnamese boat people that lived with Larry and Jean
Bau Tang and Lom Tang, Vietnamese boat people that lived with Larry and Jean
#27  Bau Tang and Lom Tang, Vietnamese boat people that lived with Larry and Jean
Bau Tang, Vietnamese boat person that lived with Larry and Jean
#28  Bau Tang, Vietnamese boat person that lived with Larry and Jean
Lom Tang, Vietnamese boat person that lived with Larry and Jean
#29  Lom Tang, Vietnamese boat person that lived with Larry and Jean

#31  Christmas
Son of Jay Dee Hendricks
#32  Son of Jay Dee Hendricks
Wife of Jay Dee Hendricks
#33  Wife of Jay Dee Hendricks
Jay Dee Hendricks
#34  Jay Dee Hendricks
Roseann Colton
#35  Roseann Colton
Daughter of Jay Dee Hendricks
#36  Daughter of Jay Dee Hendricks


gravestone: Don R. Bowcutt, at Honolulu's Punchbowl Cemetary
#39  gravestone: Don R. Bowcutt, at Honolulu's Punchbowl Cemetary
gravestone: Don R. Bowcutt, at Honolulu's Punchbowl Cemetary
#40  gravestone: Don R. Bowcutt, at Honolulu's Punchbowl Cemetary
gravestone: Ernest Taylor Pyle
#41  gravestone: Ernest Taylor Pyle
Jean Colton, statue
#42  Jean Colton, statue

Larry Colton
#44  Larry Colton
Larry Colton
#45  Larry Colton
Roseann doing hula
#46  Roseann doing hula
Roseann doing hula
#47  Roseann doing hula
Roseann doing hula
#48  Roseann doing hula
Jean Colton
#49  Jean Colton
#50  Roseann
#51  Roseann
#52  Steven
Steven and Jean
#53  Steven and Jean
Larry, Steven, Jean
#54  Larry, Steven, Jean
Steven, Cheryl, Brent
#55  Steven, Cheryl, Brent

Maybe Brenda from Pocatello (foster child)
#57  Maybe Brenda from Pocatello (foster child)



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