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St George Temple
#1  St George Temple
James Knibbs in front. Jim and Cindy wedding.
#2  James Knibbs in front. Jim and Cindy wedding.

Caleb and Gwen Thompson at Jim and Cindy's wedding.
Cindy's Parents
#4  Caleb and Gwen Thompson at Jim and Cindy's wedding. Cindy's Parents
Caleb Thompson at Jim and Cindy's wedding.
#5  Caleb Thompson at Jim and Cindy's wedding.
James Knibbs at Jim and Cindy's wedding.
#6  James Knibbs at Jim and Cindy's wedding.
Herman Blau and wife
#7  Herman Blau and wife
St George Temple
#8  St George Temple



Bolder Dam, Nevada/Arizona
#12  Bolder Dam, Nevada/Arizona
xx, Maryjo, Jim, xx. Jojoba?
#13  xx, Maryjo, Jim, xx. Jojoba?






Jean Colton
#20  Jean Colton
Jean Colton, Maryjo Colton
#21  Jean Colton, Maryjo Colton
Jean Colton, Roseann Colton
#22  Jean Colton, Roseann Colton
Jim Colton
#23  Jim Colton
Jean Colton, Jim Colton, Maryjo Colton
#24  Jean Colton, Jim Colton, Maryjo Colton

Jean Colton
#26  Jean Colton
Maryjo Colton
#27  Maryjo Colton
March 10, 1973, Lois Clayton and Don Colton standing in front of the Salt Lake city Temple on the day that Don entered the mission home in SLC for his mission.
#28  March 10, 1973, Lois Clayton and Don Colton standing in front of the Salt Lake city Temple on the day that Don entered the mission home in SLC for his mission.
Roseann Colton
#29  Roseann Colton
Emma Blau Bowcutt
#30  Emma Blau Bowcutt
Emma Blau Bowcutt
#31  Emma Blau Bowcutt

Roseann Colton
#33  Roseann Colton
Roseann Colton
#34  Roseann Colton


Roseann Colton and Christmas stocking
#37  Roseann Colton and Christmas stocking
Roseann Colton
#38  Roseann Colton
Roseann Colton and Christmas Stocking
#39  Roseann Colton and Christmas Stocking
Roseann Colton
#40  Roseann Colton
Jean and Larry Colton, March 10, 1973
#41  Jean and Larry Colton, March 10, 1973
Roseann Colton, Soy Buena
#42  Roseann Colton, Soy Buena
Roseann Colton, Soy Buena
#43  Roseann Colton, Soy Buena



Rachel Knibbs, James Knibbs
#47  Rachel Knibbs, James Knibbs
#48  Don?
Jim and Don in Renton
#49  Jim and Don in Renton
Jim in Renton
#50  Jim in Renton
#51  Steve
Jim, Steve, Don
#52  Jim, Steve, Don
Jim, Steve, Don
#53  Jim, Steve, Don
Don and Jim in Renton
#54  Don and Jim in Renton
Don and Jim in Renton
#55  Don and Jim in Renton

Jean and Don with tower of blocks. Christmas?
#57  Jean and Don with tower of blocks. Christmas?
Don in North Hollywood CA
#58  Don in North Hollywood CA
Jean and Don in North Hollywood CA, Swimming.
#59  Jean and Don in North Hollywood CA, Swimming.
Don in North Hollywood CA
#60  Don in North Hollywood CA
#61  Don
House we almost bought in CA
#62  House we almost bought in CA
Jean and Don in North Hollywood CA. Jumping off the diving board.
#63  Jean and Don in North Hollywood CA. Jumping off the diving board.
#64  Don?
Maryjo Colton
#65  Maryjo Colton
Jean Colton
#66  Jean Colton
Jean, Jim, Maryjo
#67  Jean, Jim, Maryjo
Lois Clayton
#68  Lois Clayton
Jean and Maryjo
#69  Jean and Maryjo
Larry Colton
#70  Larry Colton
Rachel Knibbs Colton
#71  Rachel Knibbs Colton
Maryjo Colton
#72  Maryjo Colton
Leff Larson
#73  Leff Larson
Don playing King Arthur at 351 E 100 S Logan UT
#74  Don playing King Arthur at 351 E 100 S Logan UT

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