1977 England

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#7  Chesterfield
Margaret Parsons, Abe Parsons, their son
#8  Margaret Parsons, Abe Parsons, their son




Stone coffin at Duffield church where Joseph Kniveton is buried
#13  Stone coffin at Duffield church where Joseph Kniveton is buried
Larry Colton in stone coffin at Duffield church where Joseph Kniveton is buried
#14  Larry Colton in stone coffin at Duffield church where Joseph Kniveton is buried

Mugginton Chapel? or Bolesover Castle?
#16  Mugginton Chapel? or Bolesover Castle?


#19  Artifacts




Patrick and Elizabeth Parson Dyson. Larry stayed with them at Sheffield for a week.
#24  Patrick and Elizabeth Parson Dyson. Larry stayed with them at Sheffield for a week.








Larry Colton in graveyard probably Wingfield gravestone at Sutton cum Duckmanton
#33  Larry Colton in graveyard probably Wingfield gravestone at Sutton cum Duckmanton

A Kniveton crest composed of blue squirrel skins.
#35  A Kniveton crest composed of blue squirrel skins.
In Domino Confido: In God Confidence. A Kniveton crest.
#36  In Domino Confido: In God Confidence. A Kniveton crest.
Larry's driver at a crossroads to Wirksworth
#37  Larry's driver at a crossroads to Wirksworth








The Good Shepherd
#46  The Good Shepherd

Number 10 Downing Street, Prime Minister's residence
#48  Number 10 Downing Street, Prime Minister's residence
Buckingham Palace ?
#49  Buckingham Palace ?


Big Ben clock tower
#52  Big Ben clock tower
Westminister Abbey
#53  Westminister Abbey
John Carding gravestone, from Matlock, false genealogy lead
#54  John Carding gravestone, from Matlock, false genealogy lead

James Wingfield gravestone, also Elizabeth. Can't tie it in (yet).
#56  James Wingfield gravestone, also Elizabeth. Can't tie it in (yet).

Elizabeth Bond 1713 gravestone. By virtue of the moss on the stone, gone but not forgotten.
#58  Elizabeth Bond 1713 gravestone. By virtue of the moss on the stone, gone but not forgotten.
gravestone: Mary Wingfield, inscription traced with chalk
#59  gravestone: Mary Wingfield, inscription traced with chalk
gravestone: William Wingfield, inscription traced with chalk
#60  gravestone: William Wingfield, inscription traced with chalk

Larry Colton at the crossroads to Wirksworth
#62  Larry Colton at the crossroads to Wirksworth




gravestone: Mary wife of Henry Lane. Henry is father of Isabel Lane, wife of Daniel Calton
#67  gravestone: Mary wife of Henry Lane. Henry is father of Isabel Lane, wife of Daniel Calton


gravestone: Joseph Kniveton (2GG of Larry) and son Richard Kniveton
#70  gravestone: Joseph Kniveton (2GG of Larry) and son Richard Kniveton
gravestone: Joseph Kniveton (2GG of Larry) and son Richard Kniveton
#71  gravestone: Joseph Kniveton (2GG of Larry) and son Richard Kniveton
gravestone: xx Richard and Sarah Richards
#72  gravestone: xx Richard and Sarah Richards
gravestone: William Calton and wife Mary Ann
#73  gravestone: William Calton and wife Mary Ann

Margaret Parsons, Abe Parsons, their son, at the grave of Little John of Robin Hood fame
#75  Margaret Parsons, Abe Parsons, their son, at the grave of Little John of Robin Hood fame
The grave of Little John of Robin Hood fame
#76  The grave of Little John of Robin Hood fame



Greenland, from an airplane window, on return flight from England
#80  Greenland, from an airplane window, on return flight from England
Greenland, from an airplane window, on return flight from England
#81  Greenland, from an airplane window, on return flight from England
Patrick and Elizabeth Parson Dyson. Larry stayed with them at Sheffield for a week.
#82  Patrick and Elizabeth Parson Dyson. Larry stayed with them at Sheffield for a week.











Abe Parsons and his son
#94  Abe Parsons and his son
Son of Abe and Margaret Parsons
#95  Son of Abe and Margaret Parsons
Abe Parsons
#96  Abe Parsons
Missionary, Shelly Horn of Richland WA
#97  Missionary, Shelly Horn of Richland WA
Debbie Bowcutt, a relative, stayed with Delone
#98  Debbie Bowcutt, a relative, stayed with Delone



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