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Don Colton, Mike Colton
#1  Don Colton, Mike Colton
Roscoe, Gene, Mike (cut off), Ethel, Josie, Rosalie, Leff, Kenneth, Larry
#2  Roscoe, Gene, Mike (cut off), Ethel, Josie, Rosalie, Leff, Kenneth, Larry
Mike and Linda
#3  Mike and Linda
Linda, Mike, Jim, David, Don
#4  Linda, Mike, Jim, David, Don
Mike, Linda, Don, Jim, David
#5  Mike, Linda, Don, Jim, David
Mike Colton
#6  Mike Colton
Leff Larson and Don Colton
#7  Leff Larson and Don Colton
Gene, Rosalie, Mike, Linda
#8  Gene, Rosalie, Mike, Linda
Josie Larson, Jean Colton, Don Colton
#9  Josie Larson, Jean Colton, Don Colton
Mike, Roscoe, Ethel, Linda
#10  Mike, Roscoe, Ethel, Linda
Roscoe, Gene, Jean, Mike, Ethel, Rosalie, Linda, Dog
#11  Roscoe, Gene, Jean, Mike, Ethel, Rosalie, Linda, Dog
Jean, Ethel, at 585 Bannock Street
#12  Jean, Ethel, at 585 Bannock Street
Larsons' St John farm house, Josie, Jean
#13  Larsons' St John farm house, Josie, Jean
Roscoe, Gene, Jean, Mike, Ethel, Rosalie, Linda
#14  Roscoe, Gene, Jean, Mike, Ethel, Rosalie, Linda
Vida Bowcutt (HS Grad?)
#15  Vida Bowcutt (HS Grad?)
Emma, Vida, Joe Bowcutt
#16  Emma, Vida, Joe Bowcutt
1956, 351 E 100 S, Logan; Larry Colton, Jean Colton, Phillip Blau, Emma Bowcutt, Grant Thorson, Jim Colton, Joe Bowcutt, June Thorson, Don Colton
#17  1956, 351 E 100 S, Logan; Larry Colton, Jean Colton, Phillip Blau, Emma Bowcutt, Grant Thorson, Jim Colton, Joe Bowcutt, June Thorson, Don Colton
1956, 351 E 100 S, Logan; Jean Colton, Phillip Blau, Emma Bowcutt, Jim Colton, Grant Thorson, Don Colton, Joe Bowcutt, June Thorson
#18  1956, 351 E 100 S, Logan; Jean Colton, Phillip Blau, Emma Bowcutt, Jim Colton, Grant Thorson, Don Colton, Joe Bowcutt, June Thorson
Vida Bowcutt
#19  Vida Bowcutt
Emma Bowcutt, Don Colton, Joe Bowcutt
#20  Emma Bowcutt, Don Colton, Joe Bowcutt
St George Temple; Jean, Ethel, Roscoe
#21  St George Temple; Jean, Ethel, Roscoe
Santa, Don Colton, Norma Conger
#22  Santa, Don Colton, Norma Conger
Carters' house in SLC; Rose, Theo, Emma, Jean, Joe
#23  Carters' house in SLC; Rose, Theo, Emma, Jean, Joe
Ned Gines, Steve Colton, Rob Gines
#24  Ned Gines, Steve Colton, Rob Gines
Adrian Blau blowing glass?
#25  Adrian Blau blowing glass?
Bannock house; Roscoe, Ethel, Gene, Larry, Bob
#26  Bannock house; Roscoe, Ethel, Gene, Larry, Bob
Bannock house; Roscoe, Ethel, Gene, Larry, Bob
#27  Bannock house; Roscoe, Ethel, Gene, Larry, Bob
Roscoe Colton
#28  Roscoe Colton
Jean, Roseann, LeAnn, Larry
#29  Jean, Roseann, LeAnn, Larry
Leann, Jean, Cheryl's sister, Brent, Roseann, Cheryl, Bruce
#30  Leann, Jean, Cheryl's sister, Brent, Roseann, Cheryl, Bruce
Bruce, Cheryl, Roseann, Brent, Cheryl's sister, Jean, Leann
#31  Bruce, Cheryl, Roseann, Brent, Cheryl's sister, Jean, Leann
Roseann Colton
#32  Roseann Colton
Joseph Colton
#33  Joseph Colton
Daniel Colton
#34  Daniel Colton
Stephen Hunt
#35  Stephen Hunt
Bethany Hunt
#36  Bethany Hunt
Elisa Hunt
#37  Elisa Hunt
David Hunt
#38  David Hunt
Elisa and Bethany Hunt
#39  Elisa and Bethany Hunt
Lauren Hunt
#40  Lauren Hunt
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#41  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#42  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#43  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#44  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#45  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#46  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#47  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#48  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#49  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#50  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#51  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#52  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#53  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#54  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Colton Reunion at Belfair
#55  Colton Reunion at Belfair
Murray Hunt
#56  Murray Hunt
Jean, Jim, Maryjo
#57  Jean, Jim, Maryjo
Gene, Ethel, Bob, Roscoe
#58  Gene, Ethel, Bob, Roscoe
Emma Bowcutt
#59  Emma Bowcutt
Emma Bowcutt
#60  Emma Bowcutt
Leff Larson
#61  Leff Larson
Rosalie and Jean
#62  Rosalie and Jean
Leff Larson
#63  Leff Larson
Barbara, Bob, Robin
#64  Barbara, Bob, Robin
Gene Colton
#65  Gene Colton
Robin Colton
#66  Robin Colton
Larry Colton
#67  Larry Colton
Karen Colton
#68  Karen Colton
Kathleen Colton
#69  Kathleen Colton
Jean Colton
#70  Jean Colton
Barbara Colton
#71  Barbara Colton
Steven Colton
#72  Steven Colton
Horse with Roscoe and Mike
#73  Horse with Roscoe and Mike

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73 items. This page was last updated 2014-05-25 10:47:33 MDT.