Soapbox Derby and Close-ups

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June Thorson
#1  June Thorson
#2  Pottery
Grant Thorson
#3  Grant Thorson
Don Colton
#4  Don Colton
Jim Colton
#5  Jim Colton
Larry Colton 1960
#6  Larry Colton 1960
Jean Colton 1960
#7  Jean Colton 1960
Jean Colton, eternal flame, 1960
#8  Jean Colton, eternal flame, 1960


Perry Colton
#11  Perry Colton
Brent Colton
#12  Brent Colton
Maryjo Colton
#13  Maryjo Colton

Two-Mile Canyon, near Malad, Idaho
#15  Two-Mile Canyon, near Malad, Idaho
Soap Box Derby race track
#16  Soap Box Derby race track
Soap Box Derby
#17  Soap Box Derby
Soap Box Derby
#18  Soap Box Derby
Soap Box Derby
#19  Soap Box Derby
Soap Box Derby
#20  Soap Box Derby
Soap Box Derby
#21  Soap Box Derby

Soap Box Derby, Steve in red shirt
#23  Soap Box Derby, Steve in red shirt




Philo Farnsworth? at the US Capitol
#28  Philo Farnsworth? at the US Capitol
Brigham Young, at the US Capitol
#29  Brigham Young, at the US Capitol
US Capitol Building
#30  US Capitol Building


Lincoln historic
#33  Lincoln historic

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33 items. This page was last updated 2014-05-25 10:45:27 MDT.