Malad 1979

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Steve with Soap Box Derby trophy
#1  Steve with Soap Box Derby trophy


gravestone: Katie M Talbot, Aug 6 1872, Mother, Sep 30 1955, Stephen Barton Talbot's second wife
#4  gravestone: Katie M Talbot, Aug 6 1872, Mother, Sep 30 1955, Stephen Barton Talbot's second wife
gravestone: Loran L. Talbot, July 23 1906, Oct 29 1918
#5  gravestone: Loran L. Talbot, July 23 1906, Oct 29 1918
gravestone: Virgil L. Talbot, Jan 7 1900, Oct 30 1918
#6  gravestone: Virgil L. Talbot, Jan 7 1900, Oct 30 1918
Roscoe Colton, 585 Bannock Street, Malad, Idaho
#7  Roscoe Colton, 585 Bannock Street, Malad, Idaho
gravestone: Oswin O. Talbot, Dec 7 1902, Aug 10 1911
#8  gravestone: Oswin O. Talbot, Dec 7 1902, Aug 10 1911
Leff Larson, 585 Bannock St
#9  Leff Larson, 585 Bannock St
Leff Larson
#10  Leff Larson
gravestone: Stephen B Talbot, Nov 15 1855, Father, Nov 12 1926
#11  gravestone: Stephen B Talbot, Nov 15 1855, Father, Nov 12 1926
Brent, Steve, ?
#12  Brent, Steve, ?
Rosalie Colton
#13  Rosalie Colton
Yugi Saito probably
#14  Yugi Saito probably
Roscoe Colton, Brent
#15  Roscoe Colton, Brent


Roscoe and Ethel Colton, 585 Bannock St
#18  Roscoe and Ethel Colton, 585 Bannock St
Robin, Kathleen
#19  Robin, Kathleen
#20  Karen
Gene Colton
#21  Gene Colton
Leff Larson
#22  Leff Larson
#23  Perry
Barbara Colton
#24  Barbara Colton

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