Negative Roll 1, Chanute AFB, Champaign Chapel

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These appear to be from the Chanute AFB era, 1953-1954.

Joyce and Tom Hoffling
#2  Joyce and Tom Hoffling
Double Exposure
#3  Double Exposure
Jean Colton
#4  Jean Colton
Jean Colton
#5  Jean Colton

Model F-51
#7  Model F-51
#8  C-97
#9  C-120?
Stained Glass: Jesus and the Rich Young Man
#10  Stained Glass: Jesus and the Rich Young Man
Stained Glass: Jesus and the Rich Young Man
#11  Stained Glass: Jesus and the Rich Young Man
Larry Porter, Jean Colton, xx
#12  Larry Porter, Jean Colton, xx
xx, Larry Porter
#13  xx, Larry Porter


Champaign IL chapel
#16  Champaign IL chapel
Champaign IL chapel
#17  Champaign IL chapel
Champaign IL chapel
#18  Champaign IL chapel
Champaign IL chapel
#19  Champaign IL chapel
Champaign IL chapel; Jean Colton
#20  Champaign IL chapel; Jean Colton

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