Don and Lois Colton 2012 Reunion
Celebrating the color Orange

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So I went shopping today and found our "flag" for the family reunion. Now I need to figure out if I want to cut it up into smaller pieces, and how many?
#1  So I went shopping today and found our "flag" for the family reunion. Now I need to figure out if I want to cut it up into smaller pieces, and how many?
Here's a closer picture of the print.
#2  Here's a closer picture of the print.
It started as a trip with Cindy to her dentist. Then it evolved into shopping for HOURS at two malls for hours and Jim and Cindy closing on a fourplex. I've been wanting some orange clothes, and this is a start on my reunion selections. :-)
#3  It started as a trip with Cindy to her dentist. Then it evolved into shopping for HOURS at two malls for hours and Jim and Cindy closing on a fourplex. I've been wanting some orange clothes, and this is a start on my reunion selections. :-)
So then Don started thinking about what he should bring to the reunion. 
Official Rubik's Cube
#4  So then Don started thinking about what he should bring to the reunion. Official Rubik's Cube
Official Electricity Splitter
#5  Official Electricity Splitter
Official Extension Cord
#6  Official Extension Cord
Official Bank
#7  Official Bank
Orangutans are orange !
#8  Orangutans are orange !
Still a little big but maybe by the reunion it'll fit? =)
#9  Still a little big but maybe by the reunion it'll fit? =)
I went through my closet and found more orange. It's amazing what I already had. :-) I know some of you have orange things also. I'd love to see them here.
#10  I went through my closet and found more orange. It's amazing what I already had. :-) I know some of you have orange things also. I'd love to see them here.

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