Roseann Funeral, Joseph's Audio Recordings

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Audio recordings made by Joseph Colton.

Bishop Opening
#1  Bishop Opening
Don Colton: Family Prayer
#2  Don Colton: Family Prayer
Bishop Conducting
#3  Bishop Conducting
Hymn: How Great Thou Art
#4  Hymn: How Great Thou Art
LeAnn Fewkes: Opening Prayer
#5  LeAnn Fewkes: Opening Prayer
Bishop: Welcome
#6  Bishop: Welcome
Eric Endres singing: Make Room For Me
#7  Eric Endres singing: Make Room For Me
Maryjo Hunt: Life Sketch by Sister
#8  Maryjo Hunt: Life Sketch by Sister
Music: Heavenly Father Loves Me
#9  Music: Heavenly Father Loves Me
Jean Colton: Beloved Daughter (Life Sketch by Mother)
#10  Jean Colton: Beloved Daughter (Life Sketch by Mother)
Brent Colton: Plan of Happiness
#11  Brent Colton: Plan of Happiness
Becca and Evee Endres sing: Angels We Have Heard On High
#12  Becca and Evee Endres sing: Angels We Have Heard On High
Bishop: Concluding Remarks
#13  Bishop: Concluding Remarks
Hymn: Each Life That Touches Ours For Good
#14  Hymn: Each Life That Touches Ours For Good
Perry Colton: Closing Prayer
#15  Perry Colton: Closing Prayer
Larry Colton: Dedication of the Grave
#16  Larry Colton: Dedication of the Grave

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